Monday, January 06, 2003

Barney Finds New Digs, Digs.

Those of you who check the website often, or are on the mailing list will know that I recently asked for help in finding a home for one of the cats that I've been caring for that was FIV+. I am really happy to be able to report that it looks as though a home has been found for Barney.

I was very touched by all of the responses that I got from so many of you. A few were able to make the offer to take Barney in, others offered suggestions of places and organizations that could help, even more of you wrote to offer your support and send good wishes - they are all truly appreciated.

My music career is not exactly operating on a large-scale. It may surprise you to learn that I do not sell as many records as - oh, say Kid Rock or even that girl from American Idol, but I've never been more grateful for my modest level of success and the great fans that I have than I have been in these last couple of weeks in being able to find a home for Barney.

Thank you all and Happy New Year,



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