'Annie Also Ran' - Steel City - 8.26.2005

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Foot cam! OK, I hear you asking "um, why foot cam?". Fair enough. A list:
* Someone was talking to me after a show recently and said they enjoyed watching my legs and feet during shows, stating "they're really entertaining." Who knew?
* I know a lot of you follow my collection of Chuck Taylors (Hi, Pat!). These are the grey suede, currently my day-today Chucks (and not, as some suspect, one of the custom made pairs).
* Steel City is a great place to play and I love the people there, but they have a videotaping policy that is draconian, so I thought I'd shake things up a bit (I hasve problems with authority).
* Mike Frank sat in on keyboards for nearly the entire show. I love playing with Mike and we don't get to do it often enough, so I just personally wanted a recording of the event, but Mike HATES being videotaped while he plays. Fortunately, he has no problem with my feet being videotaped while he plays, so this plan was perfect.
Oh, and let's not forget . . .
* I'm weird. I really liked watching this video.
Notice that people are starting to cheer for the vlog.