52 Things = Congratulations

So, today marks the end of an epic journey for my friend Jonathan Coulton. His 'Thing A Week' series - in which he wrote, recorded and posted a song every week for the last year - has its final installment today.
I've known Jonathan for a long time and want to give him a big congrats for even attempting something like this, let alone achieving it. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up - man wasn't meant to write a song a week, it's unnatural.
So, go visit him, check out songs (you can start with his hits - like 'Code Monkey' 'Baby Got Back' or 'Flickr') and the many other cool, "Web 2.0" ways in which he's created a career for himself, many of which I will be shamelessly appropriating for myself in the upcoming weeks and months.
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